
Amelia Batrouney

Mental Health Social Worker Therapist
Medicare rebate
Telehealth available

Amelia is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker and Narrative Therapist with over ten years experience working with individuals, predominantly in women’s health, sexual assault, and trauma services.

Amelia provides counselling for those looking to enhance their wellbeing, move through a period of change or challenge, or better connect to themselves and those around them. Her approach is non-judgemental, collaborative, and respectful, with an aim to support people to enhance a sense of connection, safety and presence.

Amelia’s training is in narrative therapy and psychodynamic approaches to healing trauma. However, she uses a range of tools in her practice including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), schema therapy (including imagery rescripting), mindfulness and polyvagal and nervous system perspectives. Her approach is integrative and therefore tailored to individual needs and goals.

Medicare Rebate available with a Mental Health Care Plan.

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Our therapists are experienced and offer a range of therapeutic approaches